Thursday 31 May 2018

Have you ever...?

Have you ever noticed the moment when a leaf is falling to the ground? I'm not talking about when it is still hunging on the tree neither when it is already on the ground. I'm talking about the exact moment when it flies for the first time, when it is set free from that tree that has given to it life and health and to which the leaf won't can never return again. Now its destiny is to continue flying if the wind happens to appear, but if the wind does not appear, the leaf's last destiny is to become food for the living creatures that have the ground as their home. Maybe even the tree that has given it life could benefit from the death of the leaf.

Talking about leaves...

Have you ever (as an adult) jumped on a pile of dry leaves? That noise is priceless because it has the ability to transport us to our childhood. Those precious times when problems did not exist yet, when we did not need an amount of things to be happy. Happiness was as simple as being able to complete "The Lion King's" album; that event could provide us with happiness for a couple of months (I got stuck 1 picture far from that goal). Happiness was being the winner at our favourite board game by beating our siblings. Happiness was going to visit our grandparents and return home being unable to breath because our full stomaches didn't allow us to do it (Italian family).

Talking about food...

Have you ever noticed the love in that special meal that someone has prepared for you? We know that cooking a different meal every day could be exhausting for our minds. However, each time that a dish is cooked with love, it has an extra magical element. We can differentiate a meal which was made with love from another that lacks that don't-know-what ingredient that changes its taste, aspect and even its smell. When we enter a home in the moment that someone is cooking, we can tell if the lunch/dinner is been made with or without "the special ingredient" by how it smells. 

Talking about smells...

Have you ever recognized a smell? It can occur that someone we cross on the street wears the same perfume as our grandma, parents or ex used to wear and instantaneously we remember that person (who maybe was forgotten in the last corner of our minds) and all of a sudden a smile or a tear happen to appear. If it is the second case, we try to take a tissue as fast as our hands allow us and when we touch that soft piece of paper we feel that we are safe and sound again only because we are touching that comforting tissue. 

Talking about touching...

Have you ever pet a dirty, unhealthy, hungry dog on the street? It is the most incredible sensation ever! Of course you need to do it carefully because some people approach dogs only to shout at them or even kick them. So the dog does not know your intentions. Nevertheless, we all know how intelligent are they. If you use the correct tone of voice and correct physical language, you will be able to get closer enough to pet him/her (sorry, I can't talk about animals as "it"). When you finally touch the dog an instantly connection takes place, they need our love and kindness. I strongly think that they (dogs and cats) are our responsability - humans' responsability- because our species has domesticated them in order to use them as protectors and helpers during huntings. It is our fault that now they depend on us to survive. Therefore, every time I come across one of them I pet them no matter how dirty or unhealthy they look like. Touching their fur and looking at those eyes is priceless.

Aren't our 5 senses amazing?

I will talk about the 6th one in another opportunity. It deserves a whole post.


Friday 4 May 2018

Origami Wolf

First attempt

Second attempt

Thanks for sharing Vero 😄

Ps: Yes, I was taught to upload gifs. So from now on, you can expect many of them in my post hahaha!

Wednesday 2 May 2018

Make your choice

Hi, there!

In this opportunity, I will turn to the professional aspect of my life and share with you some videos related to 4 language teaching styles. 

They will be in alphabetical order, of course.

 Community Language Learning 

Silent Way


Total Physical Response

Which one do you like the most?

Tuesday 1 May 2018

Enter at your own risk

Hi everyone!! 
I want to ⚠ you from the very beginning of the post: this one got longer than I had expected, so if you are short of ⏰... go your duties... and come back later. 

Having that said...

This post should have been the 🥇 but... It is never too late, right? 
I will introduce myself today. My name is Paula Lanzarotti (yes, only 1 name - my 👨👩 were short of creativity when I was born - ) 

I´m ₃₂ years old and I live in a 🏢 in Escobar (Buenos Aires - Argentina) since 2010 with my 👨Pablo, he is 40 years old. We are not ´legally´💍 but marriage it´s much more than a📜, isn´t it?

During my 👧hood, I lived with my 👪 in a 🏢 in 🐅 (my favourite place in the whole 🌎)

But the family was getting bigger...from 4 members (👨👩👧👧) and a male dog 🐕

it grew to 5 (+👧) and my mother was waiting for the 6th (👦) 

So, at the 🅴🅽🅳 of 1996, we moved to Garin to a 🏡with a huge green garden. The positive thing about living there was that I was allowed to have more pets 😍. 
Therefore, I had 2 more female 🐕🐕

and a female🐈 

(two of the dogs and the cat have passed away) 

However, last year I added a new member to the family.

A little note about the pets of my family: as you can see from the 📷 all of them were taken from the streets. I don't like buying pets, I think that they are not 'things' that we can buy at a shop like:

👩"Hi! Give me a little white 🐩 and two black 🐺🐺, please" 
👨"Sorry, we only have grey Huskies for now" 
👩"Well, it´s ok... I will take them anyway"
👨"Great, it is 💵"

Going back to the present, I have a pet of course. He is3 years old and his name is Ichi, it means "one" in Japanese - because he is the first pet that we (my👨and I) own - Everyone who knows Ichi falls in💗with him, he is just adorable and so loving. Although I know that 🐭🐮🐯🐰 do not have a language like us, he understands so many words and phrases that is 😲. He can differentiate the words ⚽, toy, go, 👵👴, Garin, etc and he has different reactions for them.  
Here some 📷 of him. 

Yes, I love him!!!!! 

I was forgetting to tell you about my "professional" life. Well, I hope to finish the teacher training college this year. I´m 2 subjects and 3 final exams from that goal. 
Last year I started working as a teacher of English and by the end of the year, I had 7 groups. In the beginning, It was really terrifying but as the year went by I enjoyed it.  

Well, it is ⏳to finish my post, you have too much information about me already (please, do not sell it on the internet 😜)

Ps1: Someone has recently described me as a ¨dog lover¨. As you can see, there is no evidence of that in this post, hahaha!

Ps2: This post was inspired by a book of my childhood similar to this...