Saturday 21 July 2018


     Today I want to share with you something related to teaching and the power that teachers and schools have in their hands. Sometimes we cannot realize that power and we make use of it without even noticing. I´m reading a book by Chomsky called ¨MisEducation¨. The first part was extremely interesting but then it turned a bit boring, so I didn´t finish it yet. I will share a piece from the introduction written by Donaldo Macedo, who has published extensively in the areas of linguistics, critical literacy, and bilingual and multicultural education (Wikipedia Dixit, hahaha!) 
     There is a song that portrays how students in the U.S were made to believe some ¨lies¨, as Macedo says, about their country and the role that they had to play. 

What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
What did you learn in school today, dear little boy of mine?
I learned that Washington never told a lie,
I learned that soldiers seldom die,
I learned that everybody´s free,
And that´s what the teacher said to me
That´s what I learned in school today,
That´s what I learned in school.
I learned that policemen are my friends,
I learned that justice never ends,
I learned that murderers die for their crimes
Even if we make a mistake sometimes.
I learned our government must be strong,
It´s always right and never wrong 
Our leaders are the finest men
And we elect them again and again.
I learned that war is not so bad.
I learned about the great ones we have had.
We´ve fought in Germany and in France,
And someday I might get my chance.
That´s what I learned in school today
That´s what I learned in school.
Tom Paxton


 Honestly, the first time that I read this, it gave me a chill; poor children! Of course, that the brainwashing wasn´t that noticeable, was it? However, nowadays I think that some teachers still use the power that we have in order to convince their students mainly about things like politics stuff. 
      I would like to know what do you think about this song and if you've ever learnt about a teacher doing some hidden brainwashing (names are not required, hahaha)

CU soon.

1 comment:

  1. Fascinating Paula!! I totally agree with you...unfortunately I do know a few teachers who abuse their power... It's highly unethical...but it does happen.
    About the song....creepy!!
