Saturday, 21 April 2018

Waiting in Vain (?

Hi, there! 
On this rainy day I am listening to´Waiting in Vain´ (Bob Marley´s song - shame on you if you don´t know that -) and suddenly I thoughtWhy do we always wait for things to come to us and knock at our door saying: "Here I am, finally I have arrived"! Well, as we are all grown-ups, we know that nothing in this world works in that way. 
Going back to the matter of ´waiting´, please do not misunderstand me, I know that sometimes we have to wait for certain things to happen but...Have you ever had that feeling of being waiting in vain for something? Do you think that waiting is useful? I think that we spend half of your lives waiting...waiting for the right moment, for a person to change, for our retirement to travel (and what if when we get retired our body is no longer able to carry us where we want to go, if our mind is no longer able to enjoy life, and what if there is not retirement, if the end hit us earlier than we expect it?)
Well, I get too pessimistic and that is not me. So, I will leave you with our friend Bob.  =) 
Ps: I´m eager to read your comments.


  1. Excellent post, Paula!! I see that you completely got the point we made last class: make this YOUR space!!

    Also...I agree!! Why is it that we waste so much time waiting? We should learn to enjoy the here and now...but for most of us that's terribly difficult!! (Damn "displacment" and language!!...hahaha!!)

    1. Displacement could be our best ally or our worst enemy...Hahaha!
      Yes, it is hard but I think that we need to try to focus on enjoying the moment

  2. I have a new philosophy in my life since a couple of years ago... Enjoy, think positive and live. I was always in a hurry to finish my career that I didn't enjoy simple things (family Moments, hanging out with friends or just relax) so... Now I just enjoy every moment, think positive and now I don't wait for things to come.. I just live 😉👍

  3. I enjoyed your last image! "Good things come to those who wait..." I definitely agree with it! 😍

    1. Thanks Nati! The second part of that image is my favourite hahaha! 😂

  4. It is completely true, Life is here and Now.enjoy the moment,enjoy Life!!
